Chemlube 209, 209G, 217, 217G, and 5072 are premium quality high performance impregnating oils formulated using polyol ester (POE) base oils. The “G” designation refers to the addition of colloidal graphite which eliminates “dry” start-up and is particularly useful in high temperature and high load conditions.
The Chemlube 209G has been tested for 4,000 hours at 250°F, 18,000 PV at 1,000 rpm without failure. Chemlube 5072 was developed as an improved version of Chemlube 209 for use under severe wear conditions. Chemlube 217 has the highest flash point of almost any of our impregnating oils.
Typical Industrial Applications:
Impregnating Lubricant, Instruments, Gas Turbines, Compressors, Conveyors, Blowers, Heaters, Machine Tools, Ovens, High Temperature Motor Bearings, Small Tools, Electric Motors
Performance Benefits:
Superior high temperature oil, Low evaporation rate for long life, Excellent oxidation and thermal stability ,Outstanding load carrying capability, Wide useful temperature range, Longer life than other synthetic oils, Oils containing “G” or graphite should be mixed
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